#Packages needed for this project
And a link to the USGS parameter codes
For hydrology you want the physical parameters shown here
availableData <- whatNWISdata(siteNumber = '06752280')
meas <- readNWISmeas(siteNumbers = '06752280')
#Now that we have obtained the data, let's clean this down to only the columns we want/need. Remember that select(something) will do that for us. The new command you see here "rename" will rename the column headers. What we are doing here is saying rename column 1 as Date, and so on. The next thing is that we are going to filter the data down to only include the years (2008-2020) and "Good" measurements. When the USGS takes a flow measurement they rate it as Good, Fair, Poor, or Unspecified. We only want the good ones.
meas <- meas %>%
select(measurement_dateTime, gage_height_va, discharge_va, measured_rating_diff) %>%
rename(Date = 1, gage_height = 2, discharge = 3, rating = 4) %>%
mutate(year = year(Date)) %>%
filter(year %in% 2008:2021, rating == "Good")
#Here we give a1 an initial value
a1 <- 0
#Next we run the model. This line says run a nls model where Discharge = C*(gage height - a1)^n. In R statistical models the ~ is similar to equals. It basically means predict discharge using this function.
model <- nls(discharge~C*(gage_height-a1)^n, start = list(C = 1, n = 1.2), data = meas, trace = FALSE)
#Now that we have run the model we can get a summary of the ouput. And we can also pull out the parameters that we are intersted in (C and n).
C1 <- coef(model)[1]
n1 <- coef(model)[2]
#Now we can plot the data and add a geom_smooth. This is just for visual, it isn't the actual model we just fit. Next we annotate the figure with the equations (i.e., the rating curve).
ggplot(meas, aes(x = gage_height, y = discharge, color = Date)) +
geom_point() +
theme_bw(base_size = 16) +
xlab("Gage height (ft)") +
ylab("Discharge (cfs)") +
geom_smooth(color = "red") +
annotate("text", x = 3, y = 1800, size = 7, parse = TRUE, label = as.character(expression(paste("Q =", 5.97, "*", Stage^{2.98}))))
#Here are other functions from the broom package that make it easier to look at the output of a model.
all_meas <- readNWISmeas(siteNumbers = '06752280')
all_meas <- all_meas %>%
select(measurement_dateTime, gage_height_va, discharge_va, measured_rating_diff) %>%
rename(Date = 1, gage_height = 2, discharge = 3, rating = 4)
#Here we have to transform the date format in order to change the color ramp from the default (blue) to something with more contrast.
all_meas$Date <- as.Date(all_meas$Date, format = "%m-%d-%Y-h-m-s")
#Then make the plot
ggplot(all_meas, aes(x = gage_height, y = discharge, color = Date)) +
geom_point() +
theme_linedraw(base_size = 16) +
xlab("Gage height (ft)") +
ylab("Discharge (cfs)") +
geom_smooth(color = "red") +
scale_color_gradient(low = 'cyan', high = 'deeppink', trans = "date")
#Remember that you can always check the structure of the data frame with: